embodying wholeness through change

This year has been a whirl in many ways. There’s been so much to navigate, so much change and inevitably, so much growth. I’ve come to know myself deeper; who I am, what I want and how I want to show up in the world.

Embodying my purpose of being of service is part of that. Everything I do and create is for you as an expression of me.

I have been reminded through the messages of my body that in order for me to do this, I need to also be of service to myself. When I don’t nurture my own garden, embodying my purpose feels unreachable.

In these lockdown seasons, I have been revisiting the way I move through life and how I can show up differently. The quieter I become, the more clarity I gain, and in listening, the divine continues to speak through me.

This is what has come through:
- Let the people around you know if you're feeling overwhelmed. More often than not (especially if you have a supportive circle), they will understand.
- Help is always available. when you focus on your strengths and outsource your weaknesses, the load of life becomes much lighter.
- Don’t wait until another time to express your triggers, to set a boundary, to say how you feel. Nobody can or should read your mind.
- Be gentle with yourself. you are doing enough.
- If you don’t feel like answering your phone or responding to a text, don’t. If it takes you more than three days to do so, it’s worth reflecting on why, and whether you see this person in your life moving forward.
- Don’t take anything personally. It really is never about you.

A well nurtured nervous system is medicinal. We deserve to feel less guilty about setting boundaries, speaking up and taking up space.

In our cyclical reflection and acceptance of our own changes, we begin to honour what serves us and what doesn’t. As we gain more clarity, our way of moving through life is embodied from a place of wholeness and authenticity. Our interactions, our space and our work become more aligned.

Let us take a step back, feel what’s coming to the surface and then communicate this kindly (to both ourselves and to those around us).

Honest reflection, acceptance and communication are the only goals worth aiming for.

Photography by Bri Horne


out of your ordinary


home is a feeling