where do you go to find yourself?

Tell me, where do you go to find yourself?

Is it lost between sheets of old lovers, old cups of coffee, or in-between books?

Do you know where you wander to?

Has anyone told you that you can find you?

See, life has this way of reminding us that the moment we begin to know ourselves, that can be taken away. Not to punish us, but to remind us that we aren’t finished yet.

There’s still so much to know, so much to learn, there’s still so much to grow.

You think you know a lover, you think a lover knows you, but they only know pieces, because you’re still figuring out you.

See love isn’t meant to be this fixed thing, where you’re fixed and then you get into love.

No, you still become in love, but you have the awareness, you take responsibility, you stay, you don’t run, you choose love, you choose to know yourself deeper through love.

There’s only so much you can do solo, and then it’s about putting that into practice with another, to see if you can really stay with what you know. 

Love is ever-changing, you don’t have to be with one lover for the rest of your life, but you can. You don’t have to wait years to get over a past lover when you know your time with them was up and you learned what you needed to.

You are allowed to move on because love is happening now and you know whether you’re moving in escape or in growth.

You can find yourself in love, you can find yourself in new sheets, with new lovers and new cups of coffee. You can find yourself in-between new books. You can find yourself again and again.

Don’t you dare believe you are lost, because what is lost can be found,

and your story isn’t over yet.


energy that turns your soul on